Click on sections to zoom in, click on centre circle to zoom out again. Hover mouse over sections for labels. Use the headings at top to switch between the Budget Book's sections.
Do you have any Comments / Critique to make about the proposed Budget? Please post it in the comments space below!
Note: Please wait for the page to load fully, and this page is best viewed from a computer, laptop or large screen tablet.
Disclaimer: The total amounts for the top heads could be incorrect, as many budget items are repeating in different sections, and so during calculation these are doubling the figures. Please check the original data for accurate totals. Also, the colors are automatically allocated by the program and cannot be manipulated manually; nobody is purposefully coloring anything dark or red or whatever.
Prepared by Centre for Environment Education in collaboration with Pune Municipal Corporation. For source data, see Feedback? Leave a comment below!
Credits: By Nikhil VJ, as part of a project with Centre for Environment Education. Data curated from Pune Municipal Corporations's Draft 2016-17 Budget Book, see site for original docs. Data converted from CSV to hierarchical JSON using this converter.
Visualization adapted from this example by Sharon Howard, which is based on this example by Mike Bostock. Additional tooltips code adapted from Tim Sherratt. Powered by D3.js