Here are tools you can use

Font Converters

What to do about documents where the content is in Legacy fonts like ShreeDev? This is where converters come handy. No need to re-type the whole thing! For government documents in Pune, we found these three kinds of fonts to be the most popular:
ShreeDev to Unicode converter
Pune Budget Book font to Unicode converter (we found that this was slightly different mapping than ShreeDev, so had to create a different converter for this)
KrutiDev to Unicode converter

Many government offices use Legacy fonts for Marathi language, like ShreeDev, KrutiDev, etc. If you get a document having content like this and if you don’t have the right font installed, you will probably see garbled text like this: #$”:<>#

Even if you do have those fonts installed on your system and can view the documents, f you try to copy-paste the content out into, say, email or a website designer, then again you will run into problems : the font will not carry-through.

These fonts are called “legacy” because they are legacy : they were used back at a time when Unicode had not been developed to include all the languages, and our computers also were not able to display these properly. But times have changed, and now one can seamlessly store content in मराठी etc without bothering with font installation. For typing marathi language content in Unicode, you can install tools like google input tools or microsoft Indic tool on your computer. Else, you can easily type it online on sites like this.

Check out this graphic which demonstrates the mapping of popular legacy fonts. One can understand from there that it involves substituting standard keyboard fonts with devnagri characters. It was a compromise achieved at a time when Unicode technology had not yet arrived.

We got these converters, and improvised, from this site:

Finding Latitude, Longitude of places

Lat-long from address: This online tool will query google maps and give you the best-found latitude-longitude co-ordinates of a list of place names that you want to geo-locate. It also generates a list in CSV (comma separated values) format which you can then copy and paste into a spreadsheet editor like Excel.

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